Sunday, August 16, 2015

Happy Fathers Day

Ben's Letter from July 13, 2015

¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Feliz Día del Padre!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Fathers Day Dad!!!! Also, happy super late birthday (Sorry I had forgotten).

I'm really sorry to hear about the basement. I hope that nothing too valuable was lost and that the damage wasn't too severe. I wish I could've helped in some way.

I'm doing well down here and am loving Florida. It's been pretty great down here. It has been a pretty warm winter. Sometimes I only wear a sweater and I'm fine.

We finally have someone who is progressing rather well. Her name is Daiana. She has come to church the last two weeks and has also gone to the Church Open House, and a baptismal service. She is enjoying learning and is always asking questions. I love that aspect about people, especially as a missionary, when they ask questions. It demonstrates that they sincerely want to learn. It also means that they are going to receive answers to their prayers. If someone, even when they are considered investigating, doesn't ask questions, it is far less likely that they will receive any kind of answer.

 My companion is great and we are working really well together

Love you,

Élder Benjamin Taylor

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